Getting Started Topics

Clio System Overview

A top-level description of the pieces of the Clio System

How do I get Help?

What are the sources of help when you have a question

Staff Application Preferences - Initial Setup

These preferences are the most important to complete before starting to use Clio

How does the Borrowing workflow work? (Clio Statuses)

As a request moves through its life it changes status in Clio. Here are the different status values and what they mean

How does the Lending Workflow Work? (Clio Statuses)

As a request moves through its life it changes status in Clio. Here are the different status values and what they mean

Connecting Clio and Docline

You need to install a small browser extension to allow Clio and Docline to work together.

Connecting Clio and OCLC

How does Clio communicate with OCLC

Connect Clio and Rapid

Tell Clio how you'd like it to communicate with Rapid and process New requests

Connecting Clio and British Library

Clio can connect with your BL accounts, allowing Clio to submit and update requests

Clio's US Privacy Terms

click here

Clio's EU Privacy Terms

click here