Connecting Clio and Docline

You need to install a small browser extension to allow Clio and Docline to work together.

Getting Set Up

Clio uses a web browser extension to allow you to communicate with Clio when you're working in Docline. For now, the browser extension is only available for the Chrome web browser, so that's the browser you'll need to use for Docline work. Make sure you're logged into your Clio staff application so that the extension will be able to talk to it.

After Docline completes its move to its new website we'll bring the extension out for more browsers.

You can find the extension here:

When you install it, you should see a small Clio icon in the upper right hand corner of your browser.

Connect to Clio

First, we have to tell the extension how to talk to Clio. When you first click on the small Clio icon you might see an error message telling you the extension only works on Docline web pages. That's OK for the moment.

Select the 'Settings' mode from the drop-down list, enter the url for your Clio staff application...probably something like and click Save. Make sure the url matches the site url where you're logged in on the Chrome browser - for example if you use the https version of the staff application url in Chrome then the settings should use the https version as well (and the same applies if you use the http version of the url in Chrome - the settings must match).

Now Clio can communicate with the Docline web pages and you can move on to the other help documents to learn how to perform Docline tasks with Clio.

Be sure that you have told Clio that you use Docline in the Borrowing General preferences, so that the Docline order tab will be available to you on a New Borrowing request.

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