How does the Borrowing workflow work? (Clio Statuses)

As a request moves through its life it changes status in Clio. Here are the different status values and what they mean

Clio Statuses

As a request moves through the ILL process lots of different things can happen to it, and Clio uses the request status to show you the big changes that have happened to a request. In many cases this status will mirror what you see in external request systems (OCLC, BL, Rapid, Docline) but Clio has its own process and viewpoint so there are some differences as well.

The Borrowing status values are:

-New: New requests are those that have been submitted by your patrons (or created manually in the staff application) but have not yet been sent out to potential lenders. Most frequently you'll review the requests and send them out to potential lenders, but you can also cancel a request or email the patron to ask for more information.

-Pending: Pending requests have been sent out to a potential lender but the item has not yet been received. Requests will stay in the Pending category until you update the item to received copy/loan or cancelled. If the first attempt to obtain the item isn't successful you can send the request out again, trying different lenders or a different external system. Clio keeps track of each attempt in its request history so you can always see what happened along the way but there is a single request record in Clio for all those attempts.

-ReceivedCopy: ReceivedCopy requests are, of course, requests where a copy has been received. This might be a digital item or a physical one. If you receive links that allow someone to download the article you can tell Clio to pass those links on to the patron. If you download the items yourself or receive pdfs in other ways you can drag them onto Clio's update panel to have Clio put the pdfs onto Clio's server and create a link/password for them that can be sent to the patron. You can use any/all of these options to provide pdfs to your patron via email and the patron application. This is a final status for a request - once a request is in the ReceivedCopy status it won't normally change status again.

-ReceivedLoan: ReceivedLoan requests are, of course, requests where a loaned book/volume has been received. When Clio assigns a due date to a request, either from an external system or from you, Clio will subtract a few days from the due date and place that new date in the Patron Due Date field. You control how many 'a few' is - it could be a week or nothing at all or whatever works for you. That patron due date is what the patron will see in emails, on bookstraps, in the patron application and (if you connect Clio to an NCIP2 circ system) in the circ system record. You can also set the patron due date to be a uniform x days from today if you prefer. ReceivedLoan items have several possible next steps - returning the item, asking for a renewal, keeping track of when the patron picks up and returns the item (optional). A request will stay in the ReceivedLoan status until it is returned.

-Returned: Returned requests are (I'm sure you're ahead of me here) requests where the loaned book/volume has been returned to the lending library. This is a final status in Clio. Once an item has reached the Returned status it typically doesn't change status again.

-Cancelled: Cancelled requests are, naturally, requests that have been cancelled. You may want to keep track of why items are cancelled, with a list of possible reasons that you can control in your preferences. The Cancelled status is a final status in Clio, though you can restart a Cancelled request, updating it to New again, or directly sending it out to potential lenders (making it a Pending request). Some external request systems, espeically OCLC/WorldShare, ask you to cancel a request with them to remove it from your list of active requests, so in those cases you might update the request to Cancelled in order to tidy up the request in WorldShare, and then immediately send the request out to different potential lenders (in WorldShare or another method).

Next Steps

We have pages detailing the processing options for each individual status. You might start with the New request page here.