How does the Lending Workflow Work? (Clio Statuses)

As a request moves through its life it changes status in Clio. Here are the different status values and what they mean

Clio Statuses

As a request moves through the ILL process lots of different things can happen to it, and Clio uses the request status to show you the big changes that have happened to a request. In many cases this status will mirror what you see in external request systems (OCLC, Rapid, Docline) but Clio has its own process and viewpoint so there are some differences as well.

The Lending status values are:

-Pending: These are requests which have been downloaded into Clio but haven't had a pickslip printed. Most frequently you'll triage the requests (more info on this here), updating the requests (filling or not if appropriate, or using the Print update to produce the pickslip). This is a subset of the InProcess category, but is presented on its own as it's such an important step in the Lending process.

-InProcess: These are all the requests where you haven't yet filled or declined to fill the request. This includes all the Pending requests, as well as those where a pickslip has been printed.

-OnLoan: These are, of course, requests where you have loaned an item to another library. It will remain in this category until you update to Complete. If you receive a renewal request you can provide the answer in Clio.

-YesCopy: These are, of course, requests where you have provided a copy (physical or electronic) to another library. You can provide pdf links if appropriate, or drag/drop a pdf file onto the update panel, in which case Clio will create a pdf link and password, which will be sent to OCLC or Rapid, and can be included in your YesCopy email notice. Once a request is updated to YesCopy it typically won't change status again.

-Complete: These are loaned items which have been updated to Complete when the item was returned to you. Once an item has been updated to Complete it typically won't change status again. These are listed under the Loans-Returned menu item.

-Unfilled: These are items where the answer was 'no'. You can indicate a reason for the answer - Docline and OCLC requests must use the appropriate list of reasons, displayed in Clio. Most Unfilled requests remain int he Unfilled status, but OCLC Conditional requests may return to the Pending status if the borrowing library responds to your question positively.

Next Steps

The most involved step with a Lending request is the Triage process (link above). You should also learn about Copy and Loan Defaults here