Triaging New Lending Requests

When you have new lending requests Clio helps you review them and add information to the records before printing pickslips

Pending vs InProcess

When you download new Lending requests, Clio places them in both the Pending and InProcess categories. The InProcess category is all requests you haven't updated to Yes or No yet. The Pending category is a special subset of the InProcess requests that haven't had a pickslip printed yet. Since this is an important and special subset it's listed in Clio as its own category.

Triaging Pending Lending requests

When you open a Pending request you have an opportunity to review the Borrowing library details, search your local systems to locate call numbers and availability information. You can then add information to Clio's request record on the Print update tab, including selecting the appropriate copy or loan defaults (see more about these settings here). If you want Clio to print a pickslip right away for you be sure the checkbox is checked (you can tell Clio to check this box by default). If you'd prefer to print them as a group (and have Clio sort them) leave the box unchecked and use the Print Pickslips button at the Pending list view.

Other update options

If you discover, after searching your local systems and review the borrowing request details, that you need to update the request to No or Conditional (OCLC) you can of course do that at this stage. This avoids needlessly printing out a pickslip for an item you know you can't fill.

If the item is available digitally and you are allowed to lend it you can also update items to YesCopy at this stage.

Printing Pickslips

When you have finished triaging the Pending requests you should return to the list view and click the Print Pickslips button, choosing your preferred sort order. This prints all the pickslips and moves the requests out of the Pending category.

You can always print a pickslip for an individual request from the Print drop-down list when you have a request open as well.