Copy/Loan Defaults
As you process Lending requests the copy and loan default settings can simplify your updating steps.
What are the Copy/Loan Defaults for?
When you lend out items Clio can help you fill out the YesCopy and YesLoan update panels so that you don't have to edit each field individually. The preferences let you have multiple 'sets' of default values. If you supply free of charge to public libraries but charge corporate libraries, for example, you could have one CopyDefault with the name 'public' and another with the name 'corp'. Each CopyDefault would have the appropriate fees and billing method (and shipping method and lending notes). When you and your colleagues are updating items you would select public or corp without needing to edit each field.
For loans, if the due date depends on the borrowing library or the item itself, or if you have different charges/shipping methods (or all the other loan settings), you can set up a loan default preference for each group of settings that you use frequently.
Do I need a separate Copy/Loan default for every single combination?
Not at all. If you are updating an item that isn't quite a match for any of your default preferences, that's fine. Just select the one that's the best match and then make any changes to the individual fields. For example if I were updating a reserve item but had decided to make a special concession for the borrowing library (removing the LIB USE ONLY restriction) I could select 'reserve' as my loan default but edit the Lending Notes field (or change the due date or any other field).
When should I select Copy/Loan defaults
You can select the copy/loan default setting during the Print, YesCopy or YesLoan update process. If you make a selection during the Print update you can always make adjustments during the YesCopy or YesLoan update step - and any charges or due dates are ignored if you eventually update them item to No.
If you update during the Print process, it allows you to print the information from these fields (due date, charges, etc) on the pickslip.
If you update during the Print process, it allows you to print the information from these fields (due date, charges, etc) on the pickslip.
Docline EFTS
If you use the Docline system, you can tell Clio to override the Billing Method in the default settings if the borrowing library participates in EFTS. In the Lending General Preference setting there's an option to tell Clio whether EFTS should always be selected when possible.