Receiving Pdfs

When you receive pdf files or links from lending libraries you can pass the information on to your patron

Some Caveats

If you have an existing process for processing pdf files that you received from lenders, and you like that process better than Clio's tools, that's fine! These features are available to you, but definitely not required. Use only the ones that work well for you.

Also, this page describes a number of procedures for providing your patrons with access to pdf files. If the copyright rules for your institution or country, or the restrictions placed by the lending library, prohibit electronic distribution to the end user, you should of course follow the rules. The tools described here support the functions used by many libraries but Clio doesn't want to encourage rule-breaking or increase confusion about the rules. If in doubt, contact your local ILL group to be sure you know the rules for your institution.

Clio Drag-and-Drop

If you have a pdf file you want to make available to person who requested it, you can put that pdf file into Clio when you update the request to Received-Copy. Drag the pdf file from your desktop or a folder onto the 'Drop files' area (or click on the area to see a file select box).

The pdf can come from anywhere - one you've scanned yourself, one you've received from a lender, or one you've downloaded from a system like Article Exchange (see the next section for an alternative as well).

Once the file has been uploaded to Clio, the file name will be displayed where the 'Drop files' area was.

As soon as you add a file to the Received-Copy update panel, Clio places the pdf on your Clio website, creates a URL for it, and assigns a password. If you need to update the request to Received-Copy again (to correct a mistake perhaps) don't add the file again unless you want Clio to create a new password.

Passing on URLs from other systems

Some libraries like to pass on the URLs they receive from systems like Article Exchange or Rapid to their patrons. You can of course copy/paste the URL (and password if applicable) into the Received-Copy update panel. However if this is a regular practice, you can tell Clio to do that for you. In the OCLC and Rapid Account preference settings there are options to tell Clio to pass the URL information onto the patron. Clio will then copy the information it receives from OCLC and/or Rapid into Clio's pdf fields. You can check that it's happening properly by looking in the expanded request details (click 'More' to expand the request detail panel).

Sending the PDF information

However the PDF URL and password (if necessary) are entered into Clio, you can include the information in a notice sent to the patron. The [PdfUrl] tag in the ReceivedCopy patron notice will include all the necessary information (url, password, expiry date).

The information is also displayed in the patron portal.