Adding Fields to Forms

For both request forms and patron-details forms, you can add individual fields to the form. Here we look at the options available.

Which Clio fields should be on the form

If you would like Clio to put information into the patron or request record, then there must be a spot on the form for that information, telling Clio which field in the record should be used to hold the information. If your OpenURL will be sending a doi reference and you want that captured into the request, be sure you've added the DOI field onto the request form. It doesn't have to be visible, but it must exist on the form.

Most Clio fields can only be used once on each form. The exception is the PatronNotes field on the request forms, which can be used as many times as necessary.

You may use fields for a purpose that Clio didn't expect - so for example you might use the Clio Account Number field on a request form, but give it a Label of 'Course number'.

Once you've decided which fields need to be on the form, the next decision is which control type to use.

If you need to remove a field from a form, just set the Clio Field to nothing (the blank 'Select...' at the top of the field list).

Control Types

The most common control type is the Text Box, which allows for text entry.

A Drop-Down List allows for patron to choose one option out of a list of possibilities. Some fields, such as Status, Department, BranchID must be a drop-down list (or in some circumstances a hidden control). Those lists are maintained in the preferences menu of the patron and staff application. Otherwise, the lists are controlled by the 'manage lists' button (more on that below).

A Checkbox allows for patron to answer a yes/no question. The record will contain 'True' if the checkbox is checked and 'False' if it is not.

A Date-Picker allows patrons to select a date.

A Hidden control allows Clio to place information into the record without displaying it to the patron. This could be for OpenURL information (if you want to capture things like DOI but you don't want to clutter the form with the fields or risk having the data altered) or for information Clio should copy from the patron record (account number and branch ID for example can be copied from the patron record) or for situations where you want to add fixed data to the record (if you have an 'urgent' request form and you want to add 'Urgent' to the Action field for all requests that come in via that form).

A Read-Only control displays information to the patron but cannot be changed by them. This might happen on the manage-details page for patrons with the Status field. If you don't want patrons to change their own status, but you want them to notify you if there's something inaccurate or out of date, you might display the Status field as a read-only control.

Password fields mask the data as it's entered, with the familiar * appearing instead of a letter as the person types in their password.

The RIS file control is available on request forms if you allow patrons to submit a file with a list of citations, using the RIS format (common to citation managers and search result exporters - sometimes known as 'reference manager' format).

The PubMed Lookup control allows patrons to enter one or more PubMed id values (separated by a comma). Clio will retrieve the bibliographic information and display it on the request form, where the patron can submit the request. You shouldn't use any of the bibliographic fields (title, author, etc) on a form with the PubMed lookup control. Clio will display the bibliographic information separately once it's retrieved it from PubMed.

For both PubMed and RIS controls, it's important to provide some instructions on those fields/forms to help your patrons understand how to use them (how to use your locally available tools to create the file, using commas to separate id values). These controls are also a substitute for the usual bibliographic fields, so you shouldn't include those fields on a pubmed/ris form. Typically those forms include copyright declarations, notes fields, but not things like title and author.

Additional Options

For each field, there are then several additional options.

Each editable field can be made required by checking that box. This means that patrons won't be able to submit the form without entering a value, checking the box or selecting an option from the list.

You can add a prefix and/or suffix to the list. This is text that will be added to the beginning or end of the data being stored in the record. This can be useful if there are a couple questions being added to the patron notes field, so that you can tell the answers apart in the staff view.

You can also provide instructions for the field, giving patrons a little help to be sure they enter the appropriate information.

Some control types allow for a default value - one where you provide an initial value, which can then be changed by the patron.

More Specific Options

Some control types have more specific options.

Date-picker controls can have a minimum numbers of days added to the options. If you ask for a need-before-date and enter a minimum of 2 days, this would prevent a patron from choosing tomorrow as a date.

Drop-down lists must choose a list of values. The 'manage lists' button allows you to edit existing lists and create new ones - providing Clio with the information you want displayed in the list, along with the information you want saved in the request (these can be the same or different). You can also tell Clio if you want the list to be sorted alphabetically. Be sure to save the list with a useful nickname. Once you've created your list, select that list's name for the drop-down control's 'list to use'.

Text Boxes can have a 'required pattern' - where a field such as email address or account number is required to have a specific format (campus email or eight digits perhaps). You should also include the 'feedback' option to provide some help in case the patron enters something that doesn't match (and providing some instructions would be helpful as well). Setting up the 'pattern' is more technical - contact Clio support for help with this.