New Requests - without external systems

Sending New requests directly to potential lenders (or filling the request yourself) is possible using Order tabs or Update options

Sending Request via Email

If you want to send an email to another library via email you can use the Email order tab. You can select the library using the autocomplete search box, typing part of the library's symbol or name.

You can then select the library from the list displayed and Clio will place the information from the library record into the Email tab. This can include selecting an email message, setting lending charges, and of course email address.

The first time you send an email to the library Clio will save the options from the Email tab into the library record for next time. You can always edit the library record to change these, and of course you can adjust the options for a particular request.

If you need to create a new library record in Clio, click the Create button and fill in as much detail as you like (don't feel obliged to fill in every box if it's not helpful to you!).

Once you click the Send Email button, Clio will send the email message you've chosen (remember you can have as many message templates as you like).

You can always see the message Clio has sent out in the request history. Here we can see the Pending event where Clio shows where/how the request has been sent. We can also see the email message that was sent.

Sending Requests Any Other Way

The Print Order tab allows you to tell Clio you sent a request in some other way. Clio will also print out an ALA form (if you don't use ALA forms you can change this printout to be something more useful to you - a pickslip or cover sheet) - you can dismiss the printing if it's not needed.

If you are communicating with the lending library in some way other than email - a website or fax or good-old-fashioned mail - this is the Order tab to use. It lets Clio move the request to Pending status and tells Clio who the lending library is.

Enter the lender information as above and click the Create Request button.

Filling a New Request Yourself

Some libraries like to send email requests to their own email address, or print a pickslip for the stacks in cases where they are going to fill the item themselves. If that's the case, use the Email or Print Order tab and set the lender as yourself. This can also be useful if you want to test things out as you get started with Clio, allowing you to put requests through a normal workflow without involving outside systems yet.

Other libraries prefer to Cancel the request if it's something owned by their own library. If this is what you'd like to do you can use the Update Options panel to update to Cancel (selecting an appropriate Reason if you like). You might then also want to send an email to the patron using the Email Options panel, letting them know what they should do next (provide instructions on how to obtain that material perhaps).

Still other libraries prefer to update them directly to Received-Copy without the Email or Print step. In this case, you can select the Received-Copy update option from the Other Options list and update the request directly. You can add a lender (your own library) just as described above on the update panel, and add any pdf information if appropriate. You can also just leave the lender field blank - you'll know that any blank lender items in your statistics belong to your library.