Updating Requests

There are two different workflows for updating requests

Updating Single Request

Whenever you have a request open you can update the request using the Update Options panel. The options you see listed will depend on the request type, whether it's connected to an external system (OCLC, Docline, BL, Rapid), and its current status. Clio shows you the update options it believes are most likely and most appropriate for the request, to help avoid mistakes.

However, if there is something unusual about the request - if you asked for a Copy but actually received a journal volume on loan, for example - you can always find the update you need in the Other Options tab.

If the request is connected to an external system (with the exception of Docline) Clio will update the external system as soon as you update the request in Clio. You should perform all your updates in Clio only, so that Clio and any external systems are in sync.

Updating with the Batch Update Page

If you have a stack of requests to update you might prefer to use the dedicated update page. Located under the Tasks menu in both Borrowing and Lending sections this page allows you to enter request IDs (either Clio ID or ILL System ID) and update the request directly, without needing to open the request.

When you open this page, Clio will put the focus onto either the ClioID text box or the ILL System ID text box. You can control this choice in the General Preferences item.

Once you enter a request ID Clio shows you the request details and shows the familiar update options.

Recent Updates

After you have updated a request, the blue box in the upper right corner shows the results, helping you keep track of where you are in the group of requests you're updating.

Next Request

When you enter another request ID, Clio shows you details and also opens the update option used in the previous request. If you collect all the 'YesCopy' or 'Cancelled' requests together, you can then update them more quickly, with fewer clicks.