Updating Lending Docline Requests

Once you've updated lending requests in Clio, you'll need to use the extension to update Docline as well.

Updating in Clio

When you update a request in Clio the process for Docline requests is the same as any other request. When you update an item to No you will see the standard Docline reasons.

Updating in Docline

Now open a new browser tab and log into Docline, navigating to the Batch Update page. Open the Clio extension and Clio will show you the first group of requests to update.

Click the Post Updates button and Clio will input the request numbers and filled/unfilled options before updating the request(s). You'll be sent to the home page and can return to the lending update page.

Repeat the cycle until Clio tells you that all the updates have been sent to Clio.