Working with OCLC errors

What to do when Clio tells you there's an error with OCLC

What Clio shows you

The first step is always to check the complete history of the request to find the action that caused the error and then see what's there. (open the request, look at the history panel, and click Complete History)

Clio will highlight the action that caused the error and give you the information it has that might be helpful. This includes the general error category that OCLC gives to Clio and the current status of the request in OCLC (which might be useful).

When OCLC sends back 'unable to locate request' it means that the request might be expired, or that someone completed the request online or the request has been updated twice...a search in WorldShare, including your archive, should help you know whether that request is still live or not (if you found such a request still alive in OCLC definitely let Clio support know).

When OCLC sends back 'unable to update request' it usually means that either some of the update info you sent was missing or violated their rules - or that you're trying to update something to a status that doesn't make sense to OCLC. So look at the OCLC and Clio statuses (Clio will put the OCLC status in the event details) - if that makes sense, then look at the info being set on the update panel to see if anything might be missing or invalid.

What to do

When you've figured out what the source of the error is then take whatever action you need to make sure Clio and OCLC agree about what's happened to the request - sometimes that will mean trying the update again, fixing the incomplete information, sometimes that will mean realizing that the lending request isn't active anymore and updating to No to finish it in Clio (and don't send the book out to the mail room), and once in a while you'll find it easiest to go into WorldShare and update things there to get WorldShare into sync - that shouldn't happen often so definitely let Clio support know if it crops up. Once you've dealt with the reality of whatever the situation is, if Clio still shows an error you can turn that error off by un-checking the Clio Error checkbox.