Adding Search Tabs

Clio can run web searches for you. The URL preferences let you tell Clio how to run those searches.

Setting up the URL preference

When Clio displays a Search Tab it has put together a search url using your URL preferences and a bit of information from the request - usually Title or Article Title. The Borrowing and Lending sides of Clio have their own URL preferences.

The first step is to run a search in your own browser using the search options you would like Clio to use. Use something relatively simple to make life easier, like 'War and Peace' or 'JAMA'. When you see the search results in your browser, look at the url for the page. It likely contains all the instructions for running the search, including the title you used as a search term. So it might look something like:

The first thing to check is whether that url can run the search - copy the url into another browser window (ideally a different browser to be sure your browser's memory isn't complicating the test) and see if that url runs the search. If it does, then keep going here. If it doesn't then it means the site is a bit more complicated. If this is a site like Ebsco you'll need to get help from them (it often involves your IT dept and Ebsco's link builder tool). You can also get in touch with Clio support and we'll help where we can.

As long as the url passed that first test, this is the url Clio will need to create, inserting the journal or article title (there's a first-part and second-part in the settings and Clio will stick the journal or article title in between the two).

Everything that comes before 'JAMA' is the 'first-part' of the setting and everything that comes after 'JAMA' is the second-part of the setting. You can test it out by swapping in 'Lancet' for 'JAMA' to see how it should work.

Your IT folks and catalog experts might be able to simplify the URL settings - often there's a lot of stuff in the url that's not really necessary. But if they aren't around this is the best place to start.

Some catalogs are trickier to figure out than others so if it doesn't seem that obvious, just run the search for JAMA or War and Peace and send the URL to Clio via the Feedback tool in the Management menu and ask for help.

Some exceptions

If you've checked the URL is correct and it's still not showing up properly in your Search Tabs, it might be that your catalog isn't allowed to be displayed in a frame. This is a perfectly reasonable security process that some websites use, to prevent other sites from being malicious. It's not something Clio can override (otherwise it wouldn't be a very useful security process) but it is something you are allowed to tell your browser to override. There are browser extensions around that let you turn off that security feature entirely, but that's not wise.

We developed a more targeted Chrome extension that allows you to tell the browser that you're OK with a few pages being displayed in frames, without disabling the process in general. Contact Clio (via email or the Feedback tool) for more information if it's something you need.

We can also provide instructions if your institution would prefer to make its own version of the extension, which is even more restricted.